July 24, 2023

Lemon8 - The New App We Love

Earlier this year, a new social media platform swept the internet and many young adults off their feet.Were you part of this crowd? If so, you already know about the amazing Lemon8, and its exciting video and photo sharing capabilities.

It’s a fresh take on social media that pushes people to be their most authentic selves, as well as create a community of people that are similarly minded. I like to think of it as a mix of Pinterest, Instagram and a personal blog. Lemon8 is very much catered to lifestyle influencers and people who want to share their life online. You can find categories such as fashion, beauty, food, wellness, travel and home.

Lemon8 was created by the same company that owns TikTok, ByteDance, and launched in Japan in2020. Only recently did it start picking up steam herein America. In the last few months it has become allthe rage among young content creators. It has been downloaded by a whopping five million users and counting!

Unlike other platforms, Lemon8 does not welcome advertising, promotional content or pushing sales on your profile. This app is purely about connection with real people and telling your story. Along with your best snaps, it favors long captions that take an almost blog-like approach.

Lemon8’s Official Creator Guide profile @captainlemon8 pushes “infodumping.” The platform says:

“Instead of posting a picture with few words, share more about the story behind it. This can be what about it caught your attention, some tips or hacks you would like to share with the community, and much more! Let the community hear your story. If you are sharing your favorite jacket, maybe you can tell us where you bought it, how much it was, and what you think of the fit. This will help the community to get to know you more.”

So for the writers who love to journal or tell stories, this app may be for you. How can this app push you to have a #SocialSummer? Here are a handful of ideas for you:

  • Post your favorite summertime recipes to share with your friends and family.
  • Create a montage of all of the places you’re visiting this summer.
  • Share a list of books you’re reading this summer and encourage others to recommend their favorites in the comments section.
  • Post about the best spots in your city to meet new people and be social offline!

Type image caption here (optional

This app provides endless possibilities. Whatever hobbies or interests you have, I guarantee there is a community on Lemon8 waiting to hear from you. Who knows, you may find a group of like minded people that become the friends you never knew you needed. When on the app you can search for your interests and if you come across a person who creates content you really enjoy, you can follow them and continue interacting with their content. If you continue to do this you will build your own unique community and feed.

I encourage you to try out this app, find your people and take it the extra mile by making a few friends! Invite people to a social summer get together or ask someone to get coffee (via Zoom or IRL). Be SOCIAL!